Thursday, May 8, 2014

future wheels

                  future wheels is a company where people with limited disability can come and get a wheelchair that can fit for their needs. some chairs can stand up as like a walker if that what u need. some have touch screens on the controllers and lastly some are voice activate for the people with very bad disabilitys. you can find us on facebook and youtube. our company has high quality chairs for low price and that's how we market our chairs.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

bad sign

in my mind xbox one poster or sign is not good from a gamer prospective because gamers loves to have something to look at something really appealing to the eye. I think the xbox poster is really boring and it could use more color or a background to really give it that look. when I turn on my xbox and the symbol come up it kind of boring I wanna feel like im going to watch a movie persay it should have more action or sound. in my mind xbox one sign should get change  to make it more appealing to the eye of the customers.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

my favorite movie poster

This is my favorite movie poster, its about a biker club who is going through bad times with the law. my favorite thing about the poster and the movie is that a famous and notorious member of the Hells Angels motorcycle club his name is sonny barger. This movie  shows that even  though the motorcycle club is a 1%er club, they are not out to do harm and that's what I like because in my experience I hangout with 1%er club I notice they are not bad. all of the stories you hear about murder, rape, dealing drugs is not really true only some of it true. this movie is my favorite because I love motorcycles and clubs it fits my liking.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

product items for project

10 Functional products

  1. five long nut tire iron- takes all log nuts off at one time
  2. automatic ratchet- to take bolt off with a touch of a button
  3. patch machine- press patches on to jackets in all one press
  4. computer tattoo machine- machine will design the tattoo of choice and will tattoo it on the skin
  5. machine that ties shoes for you
  6. self driving car
  7. solar cell phone charger
  8. cell phone case with earbud + thumb drive compartment
  9. heated shoes that melt shoes
  10. auto book reader
10 Nonfunctional products
  1. Squares tires- do not roll
  2. bitter beer- taste bad
  3. soap that cant get wet or it dissolve instantly
  4. shoes with no bottom soles
  5. motorcycles with no handle bars
  6. cell phone with no antenna
  7. hot war heater that only has 2 settings boiling hot or freezing
  8. book writing in a made up language
  9. knife with no edge
  10. sunglasses that don't block the sun

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

how to ruin... response

In the article of how to ruin a great design it is very accurate on what we see today is lazy designers. Designers now a days are always in a hurry to get their design done and that's where they always makes mistakes. I think as time goes on there will be more technology out where people wont have to be in a rush because we will develop a machine that does that for us so there wont be any mistakes. My personal experience with the red signs I know if I see a red sign I cant read it at first because if I read a bright color from a little far away my eyes wont adjust to the color very well. From this article we can learn about what happens when we rush things and not take our time. in society we have to take our time or we would just fail at everything we do.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Product i want to make #1 homework

Beer has always been fascinating to me since I was little. I always ask myself how do they make it? and do they get the ingredients. I had the chance to go to the yeungling factory back when I was little because one of my family member had a friend that works there. from that day on I had a dream to make my own tasteful beer, I really don't like the taste of beer so from that day on from visiting the factory I thought of soda beer. it had soda but a little bit of a beer taste to it. the idea came to me in many ways I drank beer even though I didn't like the taste and when I saw my friends drink beer they also didn't like it so I thought why not make beer taste like soda. it will all have the same alcohol levels as regular beer it will just taste like soda. flavors will be pepsi, mountain dew, coca cola, whatever fits the consumer taste buds will be available.

Friday, January 24, 2014

class questions

What is your computer experience? i have worked on and played on computers all my life, i know how to take them apart, install software.

What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator? i took a class in high school with photoshop but no experience with illustrator

Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator? i have 4 computers at home and none of them have photoshop 

What is your major ?  post secondary studies

What do you hope to get out of this class? to learn how to design my own clothing line or gain experience to help me pursue my dream as to be a game designer

Who is your favorite artist? Blizzard the makers of world of warcraft

Who is your favorite musician? ronnie radke

Tell me something interesting about yourself? played halo 3 professionally for MLG

Write a five line story? once upon a time there was a infection going around. people was getting sick and not feeling well. one guy name is mike he was infected. he was tired of being sick so he got dressed and went to the ER but when he got middle of the trip to the hospital he dozed off and woke up as a zombie. not for long everyone was turn into zombies.